The plot of the film sees a U.S. military veteran — Sergeant Rick Pedroni — return home changed and[展开全部]
影片信息:· 片名:合成大几把恐怖片2023雷尼·哈林索菲·西蒙特,Shervin Alenabi,霍华德·戴尔,杰森·弗莱明,拉扎·杰夫里,阿塔纳斯·斯雷布雷夫,德西·斯拉沃娃,沃利扎·比尼夫
剧情概要:📙 The plot of the film sees a U.S. military veteran — Sergeant Rick Pedroni — 📺 return home changed and dangerous after a tour of duty in Afghanistan where he suffered an attack by a mysterious force. While officials dismiss his behavior as PTSD, and order trauma therapy, Rick's wife Kate discovers her husband has been possessed by a malevolent spirit. Kate has to race against time... ⛈️
关键词:朋友聚会, 恐怖片佳作, 影视评论, 家庭观影, 恐怖电影, 老戏骨
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